Hootenanny Bread
Artisan breads to give a hoot about

Hootenanny Bread boasts a host of breads- all hand-crafted by bread expert, artist, and musician Derek DeGeer. When he stumbled into the 2009 Kneading Conference in Skowhegan, his desire to make bread finally began to seem more real than it had ever been before. DeGeer then learned that a bread vendor at the local Damariscotta farmers’ market had dropped out, creating a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for him to finally try his hand at making –and selling– bread. After working with the Damariscotta River Grill to use their kitchen off-hours and dedicating himself to this path, Hootenanny Bread was born.
As the years went on, Hootenanny Bread expanded to serve their delicious bread at a large number of farmers' markets in the area. From savory sourdough to perfect pretzels, Hootenanny Bread’s selection of fresh, artisan breads is ever-changing. Stay updated with all of DeGeer’s creations by following Hootenanny Bread @hootenannybread on Facebook and Instagram or checking out their website www.hootenannybread.com!